Through People

Our people represent decades of experience in the SAP ecosystem. Get to know our team, our values, and what makes us unique

Allen Wilkinson
Group Head of Accounting
America Herrera
Manager - Production, Projects and Communities
Gemma Ferriol
Manager – Delegate Sales
James Haggan
Managing Director
Jessica Duffy
Head of International Events
Karolina Heyne
Senior Manager - Production, Projects and Communities
Kerry Lenihan
Head of Marketing
Libby Beavon
Marketing Manager
Mariah Hams
Manager – Event Operations and Logistics
Megan Lovelock
Marketing Manager
Oksana Kesh
Customer and Operations Coordinator
Richard Carrington
Manager – Sponsorship Sales
Richard Prosser
Database and Systems Manager
Ross Kaar
Assistant Accountant
Sarah Childs
Senior Manager – Event Operations and Logistics
Sarah Osborne
Head of Event Logistics and Operations
Sonja Hagemann
Head of Sales
Vanderlei dos Santos
Manager – Delegate Sales
Zoe Mainwaring
Manager - Production, Projects and Communities

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Hear from our team

Working at TAC Insights is hugely rewarding. We’ve an inclusive and collegiate team who are always supportive whenever challenges are faced, and quick to acknowledge success when it’s achieved. 8 years has flown by!

Richard Carrington
Sponsorship Sales Manager, International

Flexible working and a team-focused ethos sit at the heart of TAC Insights’ core values. Supporting my personal life and providing a warm and supportive business environment, for me, is invaluable.



Jessica Duffy
Head of Events, International

We are a fast moving, agile and growth-oriented business. Our employees enjoy a great deal of autonomy and flexibility in their roles and we pride ourselves on offering a supportive, friendly and fun working environment. Many of our employees have spent the bulk of their career in this business – I think that says a lot!

James Haggan
Managing Director

An open flexible working environment where everyone is encouraged to have an opinion and a seat at the table. An inclusive, creative and talented pool of individuals who continually strive to work together to surpass the norm.

Kerry Lenihan
Head of Marketing

TAC encourages and welcomes the opinions of its team. Employees feel respected and have ample opportunities to contribute to the company and their own development. I still love it after many years for the professional challenges and the warm, supportive environment.

Sarah Childs
Senior Manager – Event Operations and Logistics

Being part of an employee-centric company, who foster positive and reciprocal working relationships with its staff is something I highly value. I am proud to be part of an open, progressive and forward thinking company. Having been here for 15 years and counting, TAC Insights must be doing something right!

Sarah Osborne
Head of Event Logistics and Operations

Working at TAC Insights has been an incredibly rewarding experience – the team is warm and welcoming, and the job is flexible, allowing me to make the most out of my time here.

Gemma Ferriol
Manager – Delegate Sales

Fun and interesting conferences, a supportive team, growth opportunities, and a good work-life balance make TAC a place I genuinely enjoy working at. From day one, I felt like part of a tight-knit team where we collaborate and grow together – I’ve always had a lot of fun working here.

Zoe Mainwaring
Manager – Production, Projects and Communities